Yael Berda

know the anti-Zionist

israeli professor

Know the Professor: Yael Berda

  • Was a member of the “Princeton Committee on Palestine,”[1] an anti-Israel group that initiated a “Princeton Divests” campaign promoting divestment from Israel.[2]
  • Participated in a United Nations meeting in Geneva, where she blamed Israel’s “colonial control” and stated that the Arab residents of East Jerusalem are “under constant threat of violence”[3]
  • Berda is an activist in the radical NGO “Machson Watch,”[4] which monitors and publishes information on the operational activities of IDF soldiers, accuses Israel of being an apartheid state, and runs anti-Israel propaganda tours in English for tourists.
  • Filed a petition to the Israeli High Court of Justice on behalf of the radical NGO “Machson Watch.”[5]
  • In an interview with the far-left news site +972 Magazine on the subject of Palestinian work permits to Israel, Berda stated: “it’s not about security! It’s about segregation, separation, and containment!”[6]

[1] https://machsomwatch.org/en/node/50367

[2] https://www.facebook.com/pg/PrincetonCommitteeOnPalestine/about/?ref=page_internal

[3] http://webtv.un.org/watch/plenary-i-international-conference-on-the-question-of-jerusalem/6053004696001/

[4] https://machsomwatch.org/en/node/50367

[5] https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-how-the-shin-bet-got-unlimited-power-to-bar-palestinians-from-israel-1.5994535

[6] https://972mag.com/israel-permit-regime-palestinians-segregation/139597/

Know the Professor



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