Ran HaCohen

know the anti-Zionist

israeli professor

Know the Professor: Ran HaCohen

  • Signed a petition calling to boycott products and companies “that operate in occupied Palestinian land and in East Jerusalem.”[1]
  • Signed an open letter calling on the German government to reject a resolution equating BDS with anti-Semitism. The letter also urged Germany to continue funding organizations, including pro-BDS NGOs, that “peacefully challenge the Israeli occupation” and “expose severe violations of international law.”[2]
  • Signed a petition accusing Israel of harming the academic freedom of Palestinians. The petition was then used by a pro-boycott organization to “vindicate[e]…its campaign for the institutional boycott of the Israeli academy.”[3]
  • Wrote an article titled, “The Auschwitz Logic,” in which he explained: “Ramallah is not Auschwitz. Israel is not the Third Reich. We have no death-camps and we haven’t massacred one third of the Palestinian population in gas chambers. Therefore, everything we do is quite all right. We may fill the occupied territories with tear gas and blood, we may kill and injure and torture and blackmail and dispossess, we may surround millions by electric fences and tanks in tiny enclaves, we may hold them under siege and daily bombing, we may make pregnant women walk to hospitals, and we shoot ambulances too, don’t we. But as long as we fall even an inch short of the atrocities of Nazi Germany, it’s all fine and good, and don’t you dare make the comparison….And many thanks to Adolf Hitler, for setting such insurmountable standards.”[4]

[1] http://www.israel-academia-monitor.com/index.php?type=large_advic&advice_id=7824&page_data[id]=3840&cookie_lang=en

[2] https://bdsmovement.net/news/240-jewish-and-israeli-scholars-german-government-boycotts-are-legitimate-and-non-violent-tool

[3] http://www.pacbi.org/etemplate.php?id=792

[4] http://www.antiwar.com/hacohen/h040102.html

Know the Professor



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