Roy Wagner

know the anti-Zionist

israeli professor

Know the Professor: Roy Wagner

  • Signed an open letter calling on the German government to reject a resolution equating BDS with anti-Semitism. The letter also urged Germany to continue funding organizations, including pro-BDS NGOs, that “peacefully challenge the Israeli occupation” and “expose severe violations of international law.” [1]
  • Signed a petition calling on the European Council, Commission and the European Parliament to pressure Israel into surrendering to Hamas’ demands.[2]
  • Signed a document labeling Israel a “colonial structure” with “unmistakable elements of apartheid,” and calling for the “right of return” for Palestinian Arabs, which is tantamount to calling for the destruction of the State of Israel.[3]
  • Signed a petition in support of anti-Semitic British Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and of “end[ing] the occupation and the blockade of Gaza.”[4]
  • Signed a petition in “support and appreciation” of students and lecturers who illegally refused to carry out their IDF service in Judea & Samaria.”[5]
  • Signed a petition advocating for the release of terrorist supporter Dareen Tatour, who was arrested and convicted for inciting violence and supporting a terrorist organization.[6]
  • Signed a petition accusing Israel of the “slaughter of large numbers of wholly innocent people” in Gaza. [7]
  • Signed a letter calling on Germany’s “Left Party” to block trade relations between Israel and the European Union, to not sell arms to Israel, and to ban Israeli goods made in Judea & Samaria. The letter accused Israel of “racist separation” and perpetrating “war crimes.”[8]









Know the Professor



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